Being a PhD of Social Communication, and an MA of International Relations and European Studies she has been an adult educator, trainer for 20 years, working on experience-based education both with pupils and adults. She has also worked as expert and researcher for educational issues in several national and international projects, such as PHARE-supported Euroma Project (consultant), IEE-supported Carbon Detectives project (external evaluator), Comenius supported Real World Learning project (researcher), Comenius Partnership: International Steps towards a Sustainable Future (educator).
She has been working at Humusz Waste Prevenion Alliance as a project manager for 8 years, she has participated in the implementation of several national and international projects on environmental protection such as awareness raising, attitude forming, researching, and developing Zero Waste Network. She helps Rogers Foundation at the financial, administrative part of international projects and at disseminational activities.
Levente started his NGO carrier as a ranger group and camp organizer back in the 1990s. Since 1996 he has worked for Rogers Foundation in several positions, currently he is the executive manager of the organization. He is also responsible for the PR activities of the Foundation.